Jasa Translater
Sejak 25 Oct 2017, ID Iklan: 533
Cimahi - Bandung, Kota Cimahi
Biaya transtale : Rp. 15.000 /lembar HVS. Pengerjaan 1x24jam.
Bapak Rinaldi
Translate dan kursus b.inggris
Desc : Want to be able to speak English?
Feel the differences with me
Using the best course method of teaching
With a qualified teacher who is also an English lecturer at ITENAS
Some of the lessons are EF's lessons
You will get the right way to learn English
Be communicative with me
Muhammad Rinaldi Gandawijaya
"Jasa Menerjemahkan Teks"
Telp: 081224101521
SMS: 081224101521
WA: 081224101521
Dilihat: 1301